Step 2

stdClass Object
    [_id] => 667359eeef608a9c4afe5888
    [questionTitle] => Hi is this ______ Owner of ____?(if yes) My name is _____ I'm with H2P Solutions, we are a group of investors looking to buy 1 to 2 properties in the next 30 to 60 days. Have you considered selling or receiving a no risk, no obligation cash offer ?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 66735830607be38be4ddf765
    [placeholder] => Text
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66735addb39c5dc187fe8a6f
    [questionTitle] => (Seller Name)  Again my name is _____ and I’d like to tell you a little about us and my job at the company; We’re an investment company who buys houses for cash and MY job is to just collect some information regarding the property, then I can hand this information to our Purchase Manager, so they can put together the best offer for you... Will that be OK?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 66735830607be38be4ddf765
    [placeholder] => Text
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66735b3541c3ff9b7e38d74b
    [questionTitle] => (Seller Name) In case we get disconnected, what is a good cell phone number to call you back on?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 66735830607be38be4ddf765
    [placeholder] => If seller ask why, then you can say “so that way if we needed more info then we can just text you or send over our offer that way as well”.  If the seller doesn't want to then don't force. just move onto the next question. 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66735b70bb4db08c3ab22a6f
    [questionTitle] => What is a good email address where our Purchase Manager can email you a written offer to purchase your property? 
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 66735830607be38be4ddf765
    [placeholder] => IF DOESN'T WANT TO GIVE EMAIL  I understand (Seller Name) The reason we ask for it, it’s because that is the quickest way for our Purchase Manager to present you with a "written offer" to purchase your house. With that being said, would you mind if I get your Email Address please? 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 6661eaadcc9aadc725520eb9
    [questionTitle] => Besides getting the right price what is another reason why you would consider selling at this time (seller name)?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 6660cae817320fc05f33e783
    [placeholder] => text
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 6661ea39d6fb31ca7674778e
    [questionTitle] => Is the property currently listed with a Real Estate Agent?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 6660cae817320fc05f33e783
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => IF NOT LISTED  ( + ) :) It’s Not Listed… That’s Great!  IF YES – ITS LISTED  •	Do you know when the listing agreement is expired? •	What is the listing agents’ information so that way we can present them with the cash offer if that is ok?
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 6661ed0dcc9aadc725522a19
    [questionTitle] => Just to confirm; What is the address of the house or Property you are hoping to sell? 
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 6660cae817320fc05f33e783
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => Property Address  Property City  Property State  Property Zip  (Spell back if unclear)
    [characterLimit] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66734d5e1af6588bf9a7a3cf
    [questionTitle] => Since nobody knows your house better than you, can you tell me a little bit about the property? 
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 66734ce06908548beb643258
    [placeholder] => For example, how many bedrooms, bathrooms, Square Footage, and garages if any? 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66734dd9f59dc5a134660f34
    [questionTitle] => What kind of Repairs, Work or Upgrades/Updates would the property need once we buy it? 
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 66734ce06908548beb643258
    [placeholder] => Roof, HVAC system, Electrical, Foundation, etc
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66734e530154c78c2c8b1bdf
    [questionTitle] => How much would you say those repairs cost?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 66734ce06908548beb643258
    [placeholder] => IF DOESN'T KNOW: I understand that you’re not a contractor and you may not know exactly the cost is but go ahead and give me your best guess? Would you say it’ll take 5-10K, 15-20K, less than 30K etc.? 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66735122b39c5dc187fe43ca
    [questionTitle] => What do you think the house is worth in today’s market (Seller Name)? 
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 66734ce06908548beb643258
    [placeholder] => IF SELLER DOESN’T KNOW   :) That’s OK (seller name), No Problem!   (TRY THESE BELOW TO GET A NUMBER FROM THEM, ONCE THEY GIVE A NUMBER MOVE ONTO NEXT QUESTION)  •	I understand you don’t know. But if you did know, or were to take a guess, give me some idea, what would you say it’s worth?  •	Are you aware of any similar houses that have sold recently in the neighborhood… how do they compare to yours and how much are those selling for?  •	Do you know what the tax assessor values is?  •	Hmmmm, well ____seller name______, let’s see if we can come up with a number together:  •	How long have you owned it?  •	What did you pay for it?  •	Do you think it’s worth more... or less now?  •	How much would you guess it’s worth now? 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 6673518012f936c1d5d17278
    [questionTitle] => Is that value in the as-is condition… or after we do all the repair and update?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 66734ce06908548beb643258
    [placeholder] => Text
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 667351b3ecc7cb9b69ef2a29
    [questionTitle] => What would it be worth once WE do all the Repairs and Updates?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 66734ce06908548beb643258
    [placeholder] => IF IN AS IS CONDITION
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 667351f4df04d48c1e6b33b1
    [questionTitle] => Okay, well what do you think it worth in a “AS IS” condition without YOU doing any Repairs or Updates?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 66734ce06908548beb643258
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66735269bebe9c9b9bb081a8
    [questionTitle] => Is there a Mortgage on the house that we will need to pay off?
    [options] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Yes
                    [value] => Yes
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => No
                    [value] => No
                    [defaultSelected] => 

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => I dont know
                    [value] => I dont know
                    [defaultSelected] => 


    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => DROPDOWN
    [mainGroupId] => 66734ce06908548beb643258
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 667352cc9e503ea15c52ed56
    [questionTitle] => How Much is left on it? (If Yes)
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 66734ce06908548beb643258
    [placeholder] => If they don’t want to say: “It’s because if we are going to be taking over the property, we need to know what we are getting ourselves into.”
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 667352f2772376a114c20385
    [questionTitle] => Are there any taxes or liens that need to be paid off?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 66734ce06908548beb643258
    [placeholder] => Text
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 6660cae817320fc05f33e788
    [questionTitle] => Now (Seller name), What were you hoping to sell your property for, this would be the NET AMOUNT that you would receive to put in your pocket at closing once the mortgage is paid off and ALL the closing costs are taken care of?  (Stay Quiet until they answer) 
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 6660cae817320fc05f33e782
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => (If they do not give number) •	What is the least amount of cash you are hoping to walk away with in your pocket after everything said and done?  •If you can give us a ballpark of what you’re hoping to get then we can quickly determine if we can do business together or not. Is that fair? I Understand. The Price is the quickest way for you and us to determine if we can do business or not. So, without a price it will be hard to continue and don’t want to waste your time or our time; (Seller Name), we are very serious about buying your house. However, we will need to know your asking price in order to present you with an intelligent offer. That just makes sense, right? 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 6661f1e3bf6a8fd0707a1011
    [questionTitle] => Will not give Price Discontinue Call
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 6660cae817320fc05f33e782
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [placeholder] => I’m sorry (Seller Name), but we simply have too many prospects to work with to spend time on those who are not ready to sell. How about I call you back in a couple of days to give you some time to figure out what your price is? How’s that sound?
    [characterLimit] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66735d1c29b2e6c199de8151
    [questionTitle] => (If Give a Price) One of the benefits of going with a company like ours is we are going to pay for all YOUR Closing Costs to Sell… Is that the least you will take --seller name--?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 6660cae817320fc05f33e782
    [placeholder] => (Sound Sad) I see
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66735d692a575f9ba99802b3
    [questionTitle] => Remember, we are also going to be buying your house As-Is and be responsible for all the necessary repairs, updates, or work the house may need after we buy it… Is that the lowest you will go ----seller name-----?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 6660cae817320fc05f33e782
    [placeholder] => (Pause and wait for a response…)
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 66735db740d2c8a16b993b0d
    [questionTitle] => So, knowing that we are going to buy your house NOW... and take care of all your holding costs WAITING for your house to sell … Could you help us out by lowering your price a little bit more ----seller name-----?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 6660cae817320fc05f33e782
    [placeholder] => (Pause and wait for a response…)
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 6661f1f7f94e64d605a49b32
    [questionTitle] => Notes
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 6660cae817320fc05f33e782
    [placeholder] => notes
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 6673576e9d4ca59c79a0bedc
    [questionTitle] => Well (Seller Name), I have all the information I need to hand to my purchase manager. At this time, we will need to look over the information you gave me, do some research on the property, and if we have any more questions may we give you a call back?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 6673572597e3e59c8f5e837d
    [placeholder] => Text
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 667357b1bebe9c9b9bb0ca8c
    [questionTitle] => Which time and day would be better for our Purchase Manager to contact you in the next day or so?
    [options] => Array

    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 6673572597e3e59c8f5e837d
    [placeholder] => Great… then we’ll contact you on __________. *CONFIRM APPOINTMENT*
    [answer] => 
stdClass Object
    [_id] => 667357dab39c5dc187fe76fd
    [questionTitle] => ** IMPORTANT** One last thing (Seller Name), when our purchase manager calls you back, if we can agree on the terms and we can agree on the price that works for you and us... are you ready to get the paperwork done and sell us your property?
    [options] => 
    [isDeleted] => 
    [questionType] => MULTILINE_TEXT
    [mainGroupId] => 6673572597e3e59c8f5e837d
    [placeholder] => Well, (Seller Name) We thank you for your time today and we look forward to buying your house!   Thank you. Have a great day!
    [characterLimit] => 
    [currencyFormat] => 
    [dateFormat] => 
    [numberFormat] => 
    [answer] => 

Address info

Property address helps us decide whether or not we deal in provided location

Contact Info

Areas where we buy houses